Volunteer Opportunities

Team Managers

Team managers coordinate schedule, assist coaches in communications, organize after game snacks, ensure all documentation is in order, etc.  If you are interested in being a team manager please contact Joleigh Nelson.

Special Event Coordinator

Makes arrangements for all club activities including banquets, social mixer for parents and team bonding gatherings. Planning activities include developing the event's program, including when and where to hold it and managing costs. If you are interested in this or any other role, please contact Adele Caroll.

Sponsorship Coordinator

It is important that each team has a sponsor to provide jerseys for each Team.  The Individual/Committee is responsible for finding sponsors for each team before the season begins.  The sponsors should also be recognized for their contribution by having their name listed on the jersey and recognition on our website.


Elementary School Promotion (1 hour/wk in-season)

This person is in charge of promoting our Travel hockey program. Contact with Greenwich and area schools to distribute flyers, advertisements in the Greenwich Times, Greenwich Free Press, CT Centinal, etc… and other activities designed to promote GCYHA to our area youngsters.


Publicity Coordinator

GCYHA players want to see their name in the Greenwich Times. This Committee must gather the results posted from the website and coordinate getting this information to the Times sports editor. Coordinate with the team coaches and managers to get this information submitted on a timely basis.


House Referee Coordinator

Requires communication with the person in charge of referees, all teams and tournament groups as well as Dorothy Hamill. Must be able to make adjustments due to schedule changes and communicate these changes to be sure referees are at each game.


Bulletin Board Administrator (2 hours/month in-season)

There is a bulletin board at Dorothy Hamill that is available for posting information about the teams and the organization. This person should gather relevant information and display this information creatively.

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